Source code for ourobori.apps.dependencies.hosts

Includes dependencies of hosts to be used when calling

from typing import List
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import Optional

import attr
import asyncssh

from import HostCmdException
from import HostSCPFromException
from import HostSCPToException
from import HostConnectionException
from import prepare_exception_ctx

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class Host: """ This class represents a host used as dependency. It should be used as a dependency on service-startup in the ```` passing to the :func:`ourobori.apps.http.run_service`. Attributes: name: The name of the host. host: Host either as ip or as hostname. user: The user to use for ssh-connection. known_hosts: The path to the known_hosts-file to use. pwd: The password to use for the user. client_keys: The paths of the client-keys to use. """ name: str host: str user: str known_hosts: Optional[str] = False pwd: Optional[str] = False client_keys: Optional[List[str]] = False connection_args: dict = attr.ib()
[docs] @connection_args.default def set_connection_args(self) -> dict: """ Sets the attribute connection_args based on the content of the attributes ``self.known_hosts``, ``self.password`` and ``self.client_keys``. Returns: connection_args: The combined connection arguments. """ connection_args = dict(username=self.user) if self.known_hosts: connection_args['known_hosts'] = self.known_hosts if self.pwd: connection_args['password'] = self.pwd if self.client_keys: connection_args['client_keys'] = self.client_keys return connection_args
[docs] async def run_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> str: """ Runs the passed command on the host. Parameters: cmd: the command to run. Returns: The result of the command. Raises: HostCmdException """ async with asyncssh.connect(, **self.connection_args) as conn: cmd_result = await, check=True) if cmd_result.exit_status == 0: return cmd_result.stdout else: exc_params = dict(, cmd=cmd, err=cmd_result.stderr) exc = prepare_exception_ctx(exception_class=HostCmdException, exception_params=exc_params) raise exc
[docs] async def scp_from(self, *, src: str, dst: str) -> NoReturn: """ Copies the passed src from the host to the passed dst. Parameters: src: The source on the host to copy. dst: The destination (local) to copy the source to. Returns: The result of the command. Raises: HostSCPFromException """ try: async with asyncssh.connect(, **self.connection_args) as conn: await asyncssh.scp(srcpaths=(conn, src), dstpath=dst, preserve=True, recurse=True) except Exception as err: exc_params = dict(, err=err) exc = prepare_exception_ctx(exception_class=HostSCPFromException, exception_params=exc_params) raise exc
[docs] async def scp_to(self, *, src: str, dst: str) -> NoReturn: """ Copies the passed local src to the passed dst on the host. Parameters: src: The source (local) to copy. dst: The destination on the host to copy the source to. Returns: The result of the command. Raises: HostSCPToException """ try: async with asyncssh.connect(, **self.connection_args) as conn: await asyncssh.scp(srcpaths=src, dstpath=(conn, dst), preserve=True, recurse=True) except Exception as err: exc_params = dict(, err=err) exc = prepare_exception_ctx(exception_class=HostSCPToException, exception_params=exc_params) raise exc
[docs] async def is_alive(self) -> NoReturn: """ Checks if the host can be accessed. Raises: HostConnectionException """ try: await self.run_cmd(cmd='echo "test"') except Exception as err: exc_params = dict(, err=err) exc = prepare_exception_ctx(exception_class=HostConnectionException, exception_params=exc_params) raise exc