Source code for ourobori.apps.options

This module contains the functions
(:func:`ourobori.apps.options.build_arguments`) to create the
basic-service-arguments and helper-functions to be used for your own
argument-definitions (:func:`ourobori.apps.options.add_param` and
These functions are used in your ```` to build the options to be passed
to the :func:`ourobori.apps.http.run_service`.

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import Union

[docs]def add_flag(*, parser: ArgumentParser, flag: str, help_str: Optional[str] = None) -> NoReturn: """ Function to be used to add additional flag to an ``ArgumentParser``-instance. Note: This function modifies the passed ``parser``. Parameters: parser: The ArgumentParser-instance to add the flag flag: The name for the flag help_str: Optional adding the help-string for the param """ parser.add_argument(f'--{flag}', help=help_str, action='store_true')
[docs]def add_param(*, parser: ArgumentParser, short: str, name: str, param_type: Union[str, int, float], default: Optional[Union[str, int, float]] = None, choices: Optional[List[Union[str, int, float]]] = None, help_str: Optional[str] = None) -> NoReturn: """ Function to be used to add additional argument to an ``ArgumentParser``-instance. Note: This function modifies the passed ``parser``. Parameters: parser: The ArgumentParser to add the param short: Short name for the param name: Full name for the param param_type: The type of the param default: Optional setting the default-value to use for this param choices: Optional setting the choices for the possible values of the param help_str: Optional adding the help-string for the param """ args = dict(type=param_type, help=help_str) if default: args['default'] = default if choices: args['choices'] = choices parser.add_argument(f'-{short}', f'--{name}', **args)
[docs]def build_arguments(parser: Optional[ArgumentParser] = None) -> Namespace: """ Builds the default arguments for a service. To use additional arguments create a ArgumentParser add your arguments using the functions :func:`add_param` or :func:`add_flag` and pass the resulting parser-object to this function. Parameters: parser: Optional passed parser containing additional arguments Returns: args: The parsed arguments parsed as Namespace-object """ if not parser: parser = ArgumentParser() add_param(parser=parser, short='m', name='mode', param_type=str, choices=['devl', 'staging', 'prod'], default='devl') add_param(parser=parser, short='p', name='port', param_type=int) add_param(parser=parser, short='l', name='logfile', param_type=str) add_param(parser=parser, short='lo', name='logstash', param_type=str) add_param(parser=parser, short='ho', name='hostname', param_type=str) add_flag(parser=parser, flag='apidoc') add_flag(parser=parser, flag='client_apidoc') add_flag(parser=parser, flag='debugmode') args = parser.parse_args() return args
__all__ = ['add_flag', 'add_param', 'build_arguments']